Specialized monitoring since the early years is the key to a healthy dentition with proper esthetics and function.

Paediatric Dentistry is an area of dentistry that studies and promotes children’s oral health, the main objective is to maintain a healthy dentition until the young patients reach adulthood. Children can not be considered small adults, so they need a specific and suitable approach to each stage of development.

From the moment that erupt (“born”) the first teeth (“baby”), it is important to sensitize parents to the child’s oral hygiene. It is between two and a half years and 3 which should make the first visit to the dentist, not only to make an assessment of the teeth and gums, but also to go starting a close relationship with the child, creating from an early pleasant child bond-dentist. This results in less anxiety (fear), creating good habits, appropriate behaviors, education of children and parents, enjoyable dental visits, prevention and/or detection of any pathology in a timely manner.

Dr. Bryan Granados Garro

Dr Granados

University Studies

  • 2007-2011, Bachelor of Dentistry, Universidad Latina de Costa Rica.
  • 2013 Diploma in Orthodontic Center Orthodontics and Functional Orthopedics.
  • 2014 Diploma in oral implantology and osseointegration Universidad Pontificia Javeriana, held in Costa Rica.

Professional Associations

  • Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Costa Rica (CCDCR).
  • Federación Odontológica de Centroamérica y Panamá (FOCAP).
  • Federación Dental Internacional (FDI).
  • Federación Odontológica Latinoamericana (FOLA).

Languages: Spanish and English.